Saturday, 3 June 2017

Week 1 Awards

Cross Country Term 2 photos

Home work for Week 6

Kia ora Whānau
I have attached a copy of the home learning for week six. A copy has been glued into their homework books. This will keep them busy for the long weekend, especially on the cold rainy days.

Have a nice long weekend.

Ms Maria Soosai

Being a Learner - Maths Fraction

Important dates

Dear Parents, Caregiver and Whanau

Please note that there is no school on Tuesday 6th of June. It is a teacher only day.

Also I will be at a course on Wednesday and the children have been informed. Mrs Jenkins will be in class to cover me for the day. If your child was not at school on Thursday 1st of June, please let them know.

Thank you
Ms Maria Soosai

Being a Learner - Writing

Being a Learner - Kiwi Sports