Sunday, 28 February 2016

Week Four - Peace Sessions, Christchurch City Libraries, and the Introduction of our 'Harry's'

This week was an interesting and fast paced week!  The week began regularly but had many interesting events and activities for the students to enjoy hidden within!  

The first activity which was enjoyed by the whole junior school was the return of the Christchurch City Libraries interactive team.  Their presence brought a smile to many of the students faces and it was clear that their roadshow will be a great success in the years to follow!  We were read two stories with interactive participation from both readers and the students.  

This week Room 7 was visited by a guest teacher who began to teach us about peace activities which we could practice at home and at school.  These activities included; breathing exercises, changing our posture, and even changing our position in the classroom (or at home)!  Part of this lesson was about looking at the 'feelings round-a-bout'.  This suggests strategies to deal with difficult situations and how students might manage their feelings around these.

On Friday Room 7 was lucky enough to catch up with our Room 2 buddies.  The students of Room 7 try to set the best example for these students around how Linwood North learners behave.  This week we learned about Harry and his friends.  Harry is a little 'fluff-ball' who helps the students show they are Linwood North learners.  He keeps an eye out for the right behaviours in class.  Room 7 and our buddies designed perches for our Harry so he could watch over the classroom easier!

Finally, Room 7 students have all been provided with a reading folder, a homework book, and a home learning challenges book.  These books should be visiting home regularly and are due back each Friday to check over, and for the students to earn house-points!  If there are any questions or concerns regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Nga mihi,

Nicholas Shimasaki

Week Three - A Visit from the Library and Other fun Things!

This week saw a visit from the public library at lunch time.  They showed Room 6 and Room 7 their mobile library and what it can do!  This was an amazing event and something which the children thoroughly enjoyed.  After going through their mobile library, Room 6 and Room 7 were lucky enough to have some very special picture books read to us!

In writing this week Room 6 and Room 7 continued our focus on descriptive writing.  Rather than focusing on the same characters we began to look at the the character of Dory from 'Finding Nemo'.  We were able to use our writing skills to explain what Dory looked like, what her characteristics were, and what her actions were.

Having focused closely in maths during the first few weeks on Statistics, Room 6 and Room 7 began this week to move into our full maths program and have started to look at number which includes basic facts, number strategies, and number identification.  Next week will see the two classes properly interchanging and honing in on the specific needs of each group.

Finally, the week ended on a high note with the students participating in physical education through their participation in 'run, jump, and throw' activities.

Hope Week 3 has seen you all well!

Nga mihi,

Nicholas Shimasaki

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Week Two - Descriptive Writing and Statistics.

Kia ora!  Welcome!

This week has seen a return to a more regular school week (apart from the holiday!).  Room 6 and Room 7 have worked collaboratively in a number of settings this week and are beginning to share classrooms for reading inter-change.  

This week within maths, a significant focus was placed on familiarising ourselves with the ways in which data can be recorded, analysed, and interpreted.  We considered the eye colours of all members of our class and coloured in our pictures to symbolise our eyes.  Room 7 then analysed the data and drew conclusions from it.  We learned what the most common eye colour was (and the least common) and which eye colours were not present in Room 7.  We also graphed our favourite things using self-portraits!

In writing we have been exploring methods of descriptive writing.  This weeks focus was around Max and his journey with 'the wild things'.  We considered the information using a 'Y' chart and began writing our best sentences about Max.  

In maths next week we will continue to consider data and how we can 'represent' it, focusing on tallies and pictograms.  In writing we will continue developing our descriptive writing and expand on our sentences!

Nga mihi,

Nicholas Shimasaki

Monday, 8 February 2016

Week One - Start of School 2016!

Well, what a week it has been getting back in to the swing of things!  This week has seen many interesting and thought provoking activities completed, and has began to prepare the students for the year ahead.

The week began with relationship building activities in an attempt to foster thoughtfulness and camaraderie within the confines of Room 7.  We learned about each other, and how we can be supportive within the classroom.

Moving through the week, Room 7 learned about what it means to be a Linwood North School learner, and how our pride for the school might be displayed through our uniform.

The students partook in challenges and began to learn about statistics in mathematics.  Through the use of self-portraits we were able to display for other class members what our favourite; foods, subject, sport, and fast-food were.

Finally, thank you to all of those caregivers and whanau who have taken the time to come and visit.  

For those who I have not met, I look forward to meeting you and hope that you might be available for the meet the teacher day this Thursday (10th February).

Nga mihi,

Nicholas Shimasaki

Monday, 1 February 2016

First day back at School!

A very warm Linwood North welcome to all of the new students for 2016, I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed your first day at Linwood North School!  To those returning, I hope your first day has stirred your excitement and encouraged you to think about what we can get out of this year! 

This morning was a very special morning for those new students to Linwood North School.  Alongside myself, the new students were able to be officially welcomed onto the school grounds through a powhiri.  It was amazing to see such a big turn-out of Linwood North community members.

It was great to meet those caregivers and whanau who were able to visit this morning and this afternoon, and for those who were not able to make it in, I greatly look forward to meeting you during our parent-teacher night next week!

Nga mihi,

Nicholas Shimasaki