For the first time in a little while, Room 7 and the Karawha block has had no extra-curricular activities on during the week where we have had to leave the school. This has meant that the week has been much more settled, and has allowed us to really focus on the students furthering their understanding of literacy and numeracy concepts.
In reading, the students have been focusing on individual and group targets to further their personal understandings of their texts. At the moment, we are reading two books per student, per week, and the reasoning behind this is to give the students, not only confidence in their decoding of unfamiliar words, but to make sure that their understanding of print, and concepts of print are really honed in on. The students really are showing promise with their work!
In writing, the students are further developing their knowledge of Explanations and how they differ from Recounts. This week was really a week of differentiation, looking at how they were different to how we had been writing, and what made up an Explanation. The students have worked hard to craft explanations in their writing groups of 'Why it is Important in New Zealand to Know how to Swim'. Their arguments/reasons are very compelling and I am surely convinced of its importance!
In mathematics the students are working back with their dedicated maths groups rather than the groups which were constructed for our exploration of money. The students are enjoying this return to normality and we have seen some real successes in Room 7 with Kolby and Govind both winning awards on mathletics!
Te Reo, P.E., Inquiry, and Art are all also showing promise. The students are greatly enjoying our focuses of; feelings in Te Reo, Energy and Sustainability in Inquiry, invasion games in P.E., and painting in Art.
Thank you again to all Room 7 caregivers and whanau for your ongoing support.
Nga mihi,
Nicholas Shimasaki